Tag Archives: sugar detox

Don’t Get Fat

“We don’t get fat because we overeat; we overeat because we get fat.”

Have you ever finished your lunch or dinner, only to find yourself hungry again shortly after? Or, perhaps found yourself continuing to eat despite feeling full? These are both common appetite-regulating experiences shared by many, myself included, but are especially common after consuming high-carb, insulin-spiking foods. The reason we find ourselves eating more, or more frequently, is because excessive sugar in the blood (in the form of carbohydrates), disrupts insulin levels and hormone function; appetite-regulating hormones being one of them. With so many individuals stuck in this overeating cycle, we no longer question our appetite habits; we simply continue to eat more.

With sugar constantly traveling through our blood, wreaking havoc on our hormones, breaking free can seem almost inconceivable. Gary Taubes, author of Why We Get Fat, wrote “We don’t get fat because we overeat; we overeat because we are getting fat.” Meaning we’re overeating to feed a body who believes it’s starved, but is actually quite well, if not overly fed. Insulin spikes, due to sugar and carbohydrate consumption, throw your body and hormones completely off balance. Instead of using already stored fat for energy, it demands more food, and so the cycle goes.

Your body is full of fat stores that can and should be used for energy, yet they are inaccessible. Hormone communication is disrupted and locks fat into your cells because it’s in starvation mode. How many times have you yourself said, “I’m starving?” So, what do you do? Eat more. The carbs you consume will fill you up and provide you with some short term energy, but once the sugar levels in your blood begin to drop, you’ll need to feed your body more sugar!

The best way to end this cycle is to reprogram your body by doing a 21 or 30 day sugar detox. This could be quite difficult for many individuals, but would ultimately break your body out of the sugar-craving cycle. Additionally, you can also start by regulating your blood sugar levels by taking Slender FX™ Sweet EZE™, when you are consuming foods that could spike your insulin levels. It contains chromium, which is known to enhance insulin function and help metabolize carbohydrates, fats and proteins. With sugar wreaking havoc on your health, taking control of your blood sugar levels is essential for optimal health.

Stop the overeating cycle! Prevention is the key!

Rocio Ramos Contributing Writer and Fitness Instructor

Rocio Ramos
Contributing Writer and Fitness Instructor

Slender FX™ Sweet EZE™

Item #21014 – 120 capsules

Slender FX™ Sweet EZE™ contains chromium vanadium and supportive herbs to nutritionally assist the body with the regulation of blood sugar levels.*

Bruce Jacobs
Youngevity Indep Rep #E100397


*These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

The info shared here has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, cure or treat any illness or disease.