Tag Archives: youngevity

Your Free Health Assessment Tool

Lose weight and or better health is an assessment that millions of people make every year. Whether its a New years resolution in January or a “Uh Oh, Gotta get that beach body” ready before Memorial day weekend, most people don’t know where or how to start. Finding the right nutritional options for your specific health goals with a simple assessment sounds like a logical and easy place to start, doesn’t it?

Here’s a wellness company with over 20 years in the wellness industry that has created a free personalized interactive health assessment tool just for you!  Here’s a message from this company below about their latest tool to help you get started.

Youngevity’s personalized interactive health assessment is now available! This dynamic tool was created to help newbie customers who ask, OK, I understand the importance of 90 for life, but…where do I start?”  We’re hoping you can now tell them: “Right here!” This assessment puts participants in the driver’s seat, taking them through a series of questions that help self-evaluate their health. Based on their answers, it recommends the best Health Body Start Pak and targeted nutrition to support their health goals.

You can get started any time at Free Assesment Now.

Try this free valuable tool and see how it can help assist in finding the right products for you. Click Here now

Bruce Jacobs (Contributor)
This content shared and associated linked pages is and are not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.

The info shared here has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, cure or treat any illness or disease.

Plant Based Colloidal Trace Minerals

There are times that I hear questions about various types of minerals within the nutritional industry. When you hear a doctor say "Take a good quality multi-vitamin, many times minerals, amino acids, pro-biotics and other elemnts are added to the multi-vitamin complex supplement. Keep in mind that Youngevity adds colloidal minerals to a few of their proprietary base products. Also keep in mind that their colloidal trace minerals are not just any kind of minerals. Hopefully this can shed some insight on the matter of how the minerals are acquired for many of the Youngevity fantastic products. Colloidals are microscopic-sized electrically charged particles. When absorbed by the body, colloidals act like a magnet, helping to pull broken-down cells into the bloodstream to be eliminated. Meanwhile, the body is replenished with nourishing life-enriching minerals. The human body contains about 70 or so elements from the periodic chart. While we do not know what the specific function for many of these elements is within the human biochemistry, their mere presence would indicate purpose. Further, not all minerals are created equal. The source of the mineral supplement is of vital importance.


Youngevity’s minerals are organically derived minerals. These don’t come from rocks and soil. They are neither metallic nor salts. These are called colloidal minerals. The organic or plant derived minerals come from humic shale. What’s that? Well, it’s prehistoric plant life in its concentrated form. It was first discovered on a Utah mountain-top and sold in 1926. It’s plant derived minerals. That was around 90 years ago, so we’re not talking about some brand new, unproven product. Colloidal minerals are still harvested on that mountain today, from a 6000 year-old humic shale deposit. Prehistoric plan life was packet with one of nature’s most amazing nutrients… colloidal minerals are taken from plants that have already assimilated inorganic minerals from rocks and soil. Through a process called photosynthesis, the plants have converted these precious minerals into organic colloidals that are easily absorbable by the human body. The air was full of oxygen and nitrogen back then, not like today. Some trees grew 25 feet A YEAR! Earth was a nutrient rich environment. Animal life like the Brontosaurus ate lots of minerals back when it was in plant form. And you know how big they got.

Minerals that come from inorganic sources such as rocks, clays and sea water can store in the soft tissues of the body, building up to potentially harmful levels. Plant-derived minerals, because of their electro-magnetic circuitry, cannot be stored in the body for longer than about 6 to 8 hours, never creating a potential toxic overload. Plant-sourced minerals have the additional ability to remove their heavy metal counterparts. For example, plant-derived aluminum is very effective in not only cleansing the body at the cellular level but assists in removing any metallic aluminum that might be present in the body as well. These differ greatly from the inorganic acid leached clay products claiming to be plant derived colloidal minerals. The key here is PLANT DERIVED!


Only metallic minerals that are not metabolized or processed out of the body are potentially toxic. Plant-derived liquid trace minerals cannot be stored by the body, therefore cannot reach toxic levels. Due to their unique properties, these minerals have the ability to remove heavy metals by a process called ionic exchange. Just because a mineral is thought to be toxic today doesn’t mean that it really has no biological value. Not so long ago we did not know what the vitamin pantothenic acid was for. Today we know it is a member of the B-complex family and its functions are many. Recently the mineral arsenic has been identified as having biological value and FDA is considering adding it to the RDI for human nutrition. The easy way to spot acid leached minerals is the high CHLORIDE content (1100mg or more). This is the chemical signature of the acid process used on dolomite and bentonite sea bed clay originating in Arizona and other areas that were covered by inland seas at the end of the last Ice age. These products are not plant derived and are potentially dangerous due to the amounts of heavy metal released by the acid leaching process. (Minerals in their metallic form can be toxic to the human body.)


Plant source minerals are completely non-toxic.

Colloidal minerals have a negative electrical charge, and each particle is hundreds of times smaller than a metallic mineral. The colloidals stay suspended in water rather than going into solution because of the negative charge and their size/ weight ratio. Expert chemists say the reason colloidals are non-toxic is because of their plant or vegetable source, and their negative electrical charge. For example, iodine in colloidal form is one of the elements essential for human cells. But, if you drank even 2-3 grains of free iodine, it would surely kill you. In colloidal form, it is not only harmless, it is beneficial. The same is true for arsenic, lead, aluminum, and other minerals considered toxic.”


Plant Derived Minerals and Bioavailability

Youngevity Plant Derived Minerals™ are extracted from humic shale, which is a layer of earth formed from ancient, mineral-laden plants. Humic shale is superior to other commonly-used supplement sources such as bentonite (ground up clay) or dried sea beds (ground up rocks).

As in plants, Plant Derived Minerals™ have a natural negative electrical charge that has two important benefits. First, it may enhance the transport and bioavailability of other nutrients, and second, it may support the body’s natural detoxification of toxins and heavy metals.

 Plant derived minerals are clearly the BEST way to get your mineral, Get Yours Today


Bruce Jacobs #E100397
Independent Distributor/Contributor
Some Info from "YoungOfficial"
90 Essential Nutrients by 90Hive
who are willing to accomplish extraordinary things
in a Healthy Way!
These statements and other info that's expressed in this blog have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration and is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Products and statements here are not a replacement for Professional Medical advice or care. If in doubt seek Professional Medical advice from your health care professional.

The info shared here has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, cure or treat any illness or disease.

A Coffee Club that Gives Back

That's because 100% of the proceeds come from these humble beans go to our Be The Change Foundation that helps people and communities in need around the world It all began in 2014 when Youngevity International purchased a 1,000-acre coffee plantation in the lush rainforest of Matagalpa, Nicaragua. At the time, the plantation was in a state of disrepair, but was home to 180 dedicated workers and their families. Moved by the plight of the plantation community–and the possibilities of restoring their home to its former splendor the Youngevity Be The Change Foundation was born. 

The foundation's first order of business was to care for the people who lived at the plantation by organizing a clothing and shoe drive. Next-in partnership with Fair Trade-the foundation built a new hydroelectricity plant to generate green power and a three-story Condominium-style dormitory, here the families could live and thrive. It also reopened the school and added a daycare. And, in an effort to reach out to all ages, their partner, Marisol Siles, started a literacy program for the adults at the plantation, many of whom could not even sign their names when the program began. The literacy program has been so successful, it now extends to the adults of neighboring plantations.

Today, Youngevity's Be The Change Foundation reaches far beyond the lush mountains of Matagalpa, Nicaragua and contributes to a host of charities. By purchasing Be The Change Foundation coffee, you're not only choosing the world's best coffee, you're doing a world of good by helping our foundation make extraordinary changes in everyday lives. All of the profits generated from Be The Change Coffee purchases are donated to the Be The Change Foundation, which supports the life-changing organizations listed below.

  • The American Red Cross
  • Make-A-Wish Foundation
  • My Story Matters
  • Catarina’s Club
  • The Mike Glenn Foundation
  • Gary Sinise Foundation
  • The Gesundheit! Institute (Patch Adams)
  • Our Nicaragua Coffee Plantation

Youngevity’s Be The Change Coffee is grown under the strictest standards and ensures the best 100% Pure Arabica, Rainforest Alliance Certified™, Fair Trade Certified™, and environmentally-friendly coffee is produced.  Get started now by joining Youngevity's Javalution Coffee Club. With your help, Youngevity's Be The Change Foundation are changing lives, one cup at a time. http://90hive.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/08/Jclub2-1024x353.png

Get your coffee and support "Be The Change" by Clicking Here Now


Bruce Jacobs (Contributor / Distributor)

The info shared here has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, cure or treat any illness or disease.

The World’s Best Coffee Serves A Purpose

That's because 100% of the proceeds come from these humble beans go to our Be The Change Foundation that helps people and communities in need around the world It all began in 2014 when Youngevity International purchased a 1,000-acre coffee plantation in the lush rainforest of Matagalpa, Nicaragua. At the time, the plantation was in a state of disrepair, but was home to 180 dedicated workers and their families. Moved by the plight of the plantation community–and the possibilities of restoring their home to its former splendor the Youngevity Be The Change Foundation was born. 

The foundation's first order of business was to care for the people who lived at the plantation by organizing a clothing and shoe drive. Next-in partnership with Fair Trade-the foundation built a new hydroelectricity plant to generate green power and a three-story Condominium-style dormitory, here the families could live and thrive. It also reopened the school and added a daycare. And, in an effort to reach out to all ages, their partner, Marisol Siles, started a literacy program for the adults at the plantation, many of whom could not even sign their names when the program began. The literacy program has been so successful, it now extends to the adults of neighboring plantations.

Today, Youngevity's Be The Change Foundation reaches far beyond the lush mountains of Matagalpa, Nicaragua and contributes to a host of charities. By purchasing Be The Change Foundation coffee, you're not only choosing the world's best coffee, you're doing a world of good by helping our foundation make extraordinary changes in everyday lives. All of the profits generated from Be The Change Coffee purchases are donated to the Be The Change Foundation, which supports the life-changing organizations listed below.

  • The American Red Cross
  • Make-A-Wish Foundation
  • My Story Matters
  • Catarina’s Club
  • The Mike Glenn Foundation
  • Gary Sinise Foundation
  • The Gesundheit! Institute (Patch Adams)
  • Our Nicaragua Coffee Plantation

Youngevity’s Be The Change Coffee is grown under the strictest standards and ensures the best 100% Pure Arabica, Rainforest Alliance Certified™, Fair Trade Certified™, and environmentally-friendly coffee is produced.  Get started now by joining Youngevity's Javalution Coffee Club. With your help, Youngevity's Be The Change Foundation are changing lives, one cup at a time. http://90hive.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/08/Jclub2-1024x353.png

Get your coffee and support "Be The Change" by Clicking Here Now


Bruce Jacobs (Contributor / Distributor)

The info shared here has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, cure or treat any illness or disease.

5 Best Coffee Tips

The sweet aroma of freshly brewed coffee, the sound of the milk steaming machine, and the chatter between other coffee shop goers all bring together the perfect coffee shop vibe. The one thing that really stands out from your morning trip to the local coffee brewer down the street, and the coffee you make at home, is the that cafe-brewed coffee seems to taste so much better! Wouldn’t it be great if we could make the best cup of coffee in our own kitchen every morning, without having to pay an arm and a leg for just 12 ounces of coffee? Well, you can!

There are a few simple things that you can do, right in your very own kitchen, to get the same delicious tasting cup of coffee that they make down the street for five dollars a cup!

Here are 5 simple ways that can make your morning cup of joe taste a lot fresher, smoother, and more satisfying:

  1. Some think all water is the same, but it is not! The quality of the water you use to brew your coffee has a great impact on the way that it will taste. Depending on where you live, using tap water to brew your coffee could result in a rusty, sulfurous, or even chlorine-esque taste in your fresh-brewed cup. It’s best to use alkaline water, which can reduce acidity in the coffee itself. But, filtered water also works; if that’s all you have to work with. Additionally, make sure that the water is cold prior to brewing, to ensure the proper temperature for optimal extraction.
  2. Make sure you are keeping your coffee pot clean consistently to ensure the most pure pot of coffee every time.
  3. The way that you grind your beans is very important for the quality of coffee that you brew. Most people brew their coffee the old fashioned way, in a typical drip coffee machine. Your beans should be a medium grind, not too fine, and not too coarse. Each method of brewing has different standards for ground coffee. If you are using a French press your beans should be ground course, but ground very fine for espresso machines. The grinding process will have a huge impact on the taste of your coffee, and it’s super important to find the right grind for you and your brewing method. For more information about the difference in roasts, check out our article here.
  4. The type of coffee filter you use greatly affects the way that your coffee will taste! White, bleached coffee filters make your coffee taste different than if you use the unbleached, brown filters.
  5. Coffee beans taste best when they are at their freshest. Coffee beans become stale after a week of being opened. No, they won’t poison you, but they may not taste as good as the day that you opened the bag. So, be sure that you are using fresh beans to ensure that your morning cup of coffee tastes its best! Youngevity Be the Change Coffee is an excellent choice to replace that old, stale bag of coffee that’s been collecting dust in your cupboard!

Javalution by CLR Coffee Roasting from Bruce Jacobs

We often mention our Be The Change Coffee, as we are incredibly proud of this product – it’s USDA Organic, Fair Trade Certified, and Rainforest Alliance Certified. The profits from Be The Change Coffee support are donated to the Youngevity Be the Change Foundation, which supports many incredible non-profit organizations in working to achieve their missions.

Get delicious, single origin coffee delivered to you each month with members-only perks. You’ll receive two 12 oz. bags of coffee: one whole bean country of origin coffee, and one flavored ground coffee, made from the same specialty bean. Exclusive loyalty gifts, featured recipes, and fascinating stories accompany your coffee every month. Join the Youngevity Be the Change Foundation Coffee Club now by clicking here

Contributor (#Youngevity)

Bruce Jacobs

The info shared here has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, cure or treat any illness or disease.


The sweet aroma of freshly brewed coffee, the sound of the milk steaming machine, and the chatter between other coffee shop goers all bring together the perfect coffee shop vibe. The one thing that really stands out from your morning trip to the local coffee brewer down the street, and the coffee you make at home, is the that cafe-brewed coffee seems to taste so much better! Wouldn’t it be great if we could make the best cup of coffee in our own kitchen every morning, without having to pay an arm and a leg for just 12 ounces of coffee? Well, you can!

There are a few simple things that you can do, right in your very own kitchen, to get the same delicious tasting cup of coffee that they make down the street for five dollars a cup!

Here are 5 simple ways that can make your morning cup of joe taste a lot fresher, smoother, and more satisfying:

  1. Some think all water is the same, but it is not! The quality of the water you use to brew your coffee has a great impact on the way that it will taste. Depending on where you live, using tap water to brew your coffee could result in a rusty, sulfurous, or even chlorine-esque taste in your fresh-brewed cup. It’s best to use alkaline water, which can reduce acidity in the coffee itself. But, filtered water also works; if that’s all you have to work with. Additionally, make sure that the water is cold prior to brewing, to ensure the proper temperature for optimal extraction.
  2. Make sure you are keeping your coffee pot clean consistently to ensure the most pure pot of coffee every time.
  3. The way that you grind your beans is very important for the quality of coffee that you brew. Most people brew their coffee the old fashioned way, in a typical drip coffee machine. Your beans should be a medium grind, not too fine, and not too coarse. Each method of brewing has different standards for ground coffee. If you are using a French press your beans should be ground course, but ground very fine for espresso machines. The grinding process will have a huge impact on the taste of your coffee, and it’s super important to find the right grind for you and your brewing method. For more information about the difference in roasts, check out our article here.
  4. The type of coffee filter you use greatly affects the way that your coffee will taste! White, bleached coffee filters make your coffee taste different than if you use the unbleached, brown filters.
  5. Coffee beans taste best when they are at their freshest. Coffee beans become stale after a week of being opened. No, they won’t poison you, but they may not taste as good as the day that you opened the bag. So, be sure that you are using fresh beans to ensure that your morning cup of coffee tastes its best! Youngevity Be the Change Coffee is an excellent choice to replace that old, stale bag of coffee that’s been collecting dust in your cupboard!

Javalution by CLR Coffee Roasting from Bruce Jacobs

We often mention our Be The Change Coffee, as we are incredibly proud of this product – it’s USDA Organic, Fair Trade Certified, and Rainforest Alliance Certified. The profits from Be The Change Coffee support are donated to the Youngevity Be the Change Foundation, which supports many incredible non-profit organizations in working to achieve their missions.

Get delicious, single origin coffee delivered to you each month with members-only perks. You’ll receive two 12 oz. bags of coffee: one whole bean country of origin coffee, and one flavored ground coffee, made from the same specialty bean. Exclusive loyalty gifts, featured recipes, and fascinating stories accompany your coffee every month. Join the Youngevity Be the Change Foundation Coffee Club now by clicking here

Contributor (#Youngevity)

The info shared here has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, cure or treat any illness or disease.


The sweet aroma of freshly brewed coffee, the sound of the milk steaming machine, and the chatter between other coffee shop goers all bring together the perfect coffee shop vibe. The one thing that really stands out from your morning trip to the local coffee brewer down the street, and the coffee you make at home, is the that cafe-brewed coffee seems to taste so much better! Wouldn’t it be great if we could make the best cup of coffee in our own kitchen every morning, without having to pay an arm and a leg for just 12 ounces of coffee? Well, you can!

There are a few simple things that you can do, right in your very own kitchen, to get the same delicious tasting cup of coffee that they make down the street for five dollars a cup!

Here are 5 simple ways that can make your morning cup of joe taste a lot fresher, smoother, and more satisfying:

  1. Some think all water is the same, but it is not! The quality of the water you use to brew your coffee has a great impact on the way that it will taste. Depending on where you live, using tap water to brew your coffee could result in a rusty, sulfurous, or even chlorine-esque taste in your fresh-brewed cup. It’s best to use alkaline water, which can reduce acidity in the coffee itself. But, filtered water also works; if that’s all you have to work with. Additionally, make sure that the water is cold prior to brewing, to ensure the proper temperature for optimal extraction.
  2. Make sure you are keeping your coffee pot clean consistently to ensure the most pure pot of coffee every time.
  3. The way that you grind your beans is very important for the quality of coffee that you brew. Most people brew their coffee the old fashioned way, in a typical drip coffee machine. Your beans should be a medium grind, not too fine, and not too coarse. Each method of brewing has different standards for ground coffee. If you are using a French press your beans should be ground course, but ground very fine for espresso machines. The grinding process will have a huge impact on the taste of your coffee, and it’s super important to find the right grind for you and your brewing method. For more information about the difference in roasts, check out our article here.
  4. The type of coffee filter you use greatly affects the way that your coffee will taste! White, bleached coffee filters make your coffee taste different than if you use the unbleached, brown filters.
  5. Coffee beans taste best when they are at their freshest. Coffee beans become stale after a week of being opened. No, they won’t poison you, but they may not taste as good as the day that you opened the bag. So, be sure that you are using fresh beans to ensure that your morning cup of coffee tastes its best! Youngevity Be the Change Coffee is an excellent choice to replace that old, stale bag of coffee that’s been collecting dust in your cupboard!

Javalution by CLR Coffee Roasting from Bruce Jacobs

We often mention our Be The Change Coffee, as we are incredibly proud of this product – it’s USDA Organic, Fair Trade Certified, and Rainforest Alliance Certified. The profits from Be The Change Coffee support are donated to the Youngevity Be the Change Foundation, which supports many incredible non-profit organizations in working to achieve their missions.

Get delicious, single origin coffee delivered to you each month with members-only perks. You’ll receive two 12 oz. bags of coffee: one whole bean country of origin coffee, and one flavored ground coffee, made from the same specialty bean. Exclusive loyalty gifts, featured recipes, and fascinating stories accompany your coffee every month. Join the Youngevity Be the Change Foundation Coffee Club now by clicking here

Contributor (#Youngevity)

The info shared here has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, cure or treat any illness or disease.

DR8 Filtered Water Hydration System

The new Youngevity eco nutritional hydration and water filtration bottle system is called DR8+. The DR8+ hydration water bottle is made from a heavy 32 gram, PET, reusable, recyclable, BPA free plastic and will soon be featured with a biodegradable additive. The bottle can be custom skinned for special events, sports teams, weddings, etc.. The bottle is best cared for by rinsing it out with warm water but can be placed in the top rack of a dishwasher.

The bottle components:

  1. Bottle
  2. Enhancement chamber
  3. Enhancement tablets
  4. Filter

The filter is made of activated carbon cloth impregnated with silver and is designed to help in the removal/reduction of the following pollutants:

  1. Chlorine
  2. Herbicides and Pesticides
  3. PPCP's
  4. Other pollutants

The filter is especially effective at removing chlorine which is a chemical used as the primary disinfectant in municipal water systems. Chlorine causes foul odors and taste in many US cities across the country. The filter is currently not designed for Fluoride but can be in the future. A sustainable, environmentally friendly, water filtration bottle with custom nutritional features.

The filter snaps onto the bottom of the enhancement chamber so you fill the bottle with tap water, the tap water runs through the filter, the great tasting, clean tap water runs into the enhancement chamber, over the enhancement tablets, dissolving them as you drink so you create get great tasting, filtered, custom nutritional water from ordinary tap water.

The Enhancement tablets are placed inside the chamber which threads onto the top of the water bottle keeping the tablets dry and the active ingredients potent until the water runs over them. The enhancement tablets contain natural or organic sweeteners, natural or organic flavors, natural colors and active ingredients formulated for specific health and wellness needs like sleep, energy, immunity, mental clarity, PH water and many, many more.
Youngevity new portable water bottle filtration and hydration system coming soon.

Introducing the bottle that makes water better! Consisting of a Bottle, Chamber, Filter and Nutritional Tablets. Making this new innovation in water consumption the most advanced on the marketplace today. Coming soon to www.90Hive.com

Stay tuned for more breaking nutitional news at www.90Hive.org BUT get your DR8+ Water Fitering Hydration System by Clicking Here Now


Bruce Jacobs (Contributor ID# E100397)
Executive Marketing Director
90 Essential Nutrients by 90Hive
who are willing to accomplish extraordinary things
in a Healthy Way!

The info shared here has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, cure or treat any illness or disease.

April iPad Team Challenge


It’s a month-long enrollment promotion where you work with your team and compete with others for outstanding prizes (like an Apple iPad) and bragging rights! There will also be prize drawings for teams and individuals, even if for those who are not on the winning team. Win the newest iPad challenge while positioning yourself to get healthy and make money at the same time.

Individuals and teams will have minimum qualifications to be eligible to earn prizes. 

Promotion begins April 1 Midnight PDT and ends April 30 Midnight PDT.

  • Enrollments and volume will retro-actively count from April 1

  • No backdated orders or enrollments will count for promotion.  Promotion ends Midnight Apr 30 PDT.


  • The team in each division with most QV from new April enrollments wins.  

  • Each member of a winning team earns a Youngevity branded iPad!

  • All new enrollments between April 1 and April 30, 2017 count.

  • Open to all Youngevity Distributors in good standing.


  • Teams formation rules

    • Minimum of four (4) distributors per team and no more than five (5)

    • Team can consist of upline, downline, cross-line, different countries

    • Designate a team captain

      • Team communication will be through captains

      • Captains will be on weekly calls and emails

    • Pick a name

    • If you can't find a team, create one!

  • Team must be submitted by team captain by Wednesday, April 5, Midnight PST.

    • Captain of each team to email submission to promotions@youngevity.com

    • Include team name; ID, name & email of each team member

  • Team Divisions

    • We may arrange teams into competitive groups/divisions to promote a fair competition

    • Divisions/groups will be announced by April 7, 2017


  • Each individual team member

    • Enroll at least 3 new Preferred Customers or Distributors with at least a 100QV each

    • Each individual who is not on a winning team and who meets the minimums will be entered into a drawing for a prize.  

  • Entire team

    • Minimum total of 1500QV new enrollment volume

    • Every Distributor on team must meet individual minimums

    • Every non-winning team who meets the minimums will be entered in a drawing for a prize.  Each member of the team will get the prize.


  1. Get your team together – stat!

  2. Submit your team to promotions@youngevity.com by April 5th. (I will do this for you)

  3. Start sharing the Youngevity experience and enrolling new Customers and Distributors – all April new volume in April will count! (This is where members of Markethive can Thrive!)

  4. If you have questions, please read the FAQ.  If the FAQ doesn't answer your question, please submit your question to promotions@youngevity.com. (Or just let me know on the Markethive network)

You will be provided a very special perk to make it easier than ever to share Youngevity’s benefits. This will only be available to those who join a team. Youngevity has videos, PDF downloads and other marketing material that I can share with you.

PLEASE NOTE: I want as many of our Markethive community to join this challenge even though there's a 5 team member limit. As soon as we get over 5 we will just start a new team group. If you're binging your own 4 – 5 team members just let me know. Even if you are Already a Youngevtity member (I know a few of you here are already) it's okay, We still can be on the same team!

If you're NOT a Youngevity member and want to participate in this iPad Team Challenge for the month of April 2017, Select your enrollment pack by Clicking Here Now.

***There are cheaper Healthy Start Packs where you can get started by Clicking Here Now***

You have to join and be on a team in the next 72hrs prior to midnight April 5th 2017



Bruce Jacobs(Contributor)
(Independent Rep #E100397)
90 Essential Nutrients by 90Hive

TURNING DREAMS INTO REALITY of ordinary people who are willing to accomplish extraordinary things in a Healthy Way!

The info shared here has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, cure or treat any illness or disease.

Filtered Water Hydration System

The new Youngevity eco bottle, nutritional hydration and water filtration system is so new that it dosent even have a name yet (as of this writing) But it's coming soon! The water bottle is made from a heavy 32 gram, PET, reusable, recyclable, BPA free plastic and will soon be featured with a biodegradable additive. The bottle can be custom skinned for special events, sports teams, weddings, etc.. The bottle is best cared for by rinsing it out with warm water but can be placed in the top rack of a dishwasher.

The bottle components:

  1. Bottle
  2. Enhancement chamber
  3. Enhancement tablets
  4. Filter

The filter is made of activated carbon cloth impregnated with silver and is designed to help in the removal/reduction of the following pollutants:

  1. Chlorine
  2. Herbicides and Pesticides
  3. PPCP's
  4. Other pollutants

The filter is especially effective at removing chlorine which is a chemical used as the primary disinfectant in municipal water systems. Chlorine causes foul odors and taste in many US cities across the country. The filter is currently not designed for Fluoride but can be in the future. A sustainable, environmentally friendly, water filtration bottle with custom nutritional features.

The filter snaps onto the bottom of the enhancement chamber so you fill the bottle with tap water, the tap water runs through the filter, the great tasting, clean tap water runs into the enhancement chamber, over the enhancement tablets, dissolving them as you drink so you create get great tasting, filtered, custom nutritional water from ordinary tap water.

The Enhancement tablets are placed inside the chamber which threads onto the top of the water bottle keeping the tablets dry and the active ingredients potent until the water runs over them. The enhancement tablets contain natural or organic sweeteners, natural or organic flavors, natural colors and active ingredients formulated for specific health and wellness needs like sleep, energy, immunity, mental clarity, PH water and many, many more.
Youngevity new portable water bottle filtration and hydration system coming soon.

Introducing the bottle that makes water better! Consisting of a Bottle, Chamber, Filter and Nutritional Tablets. Making this new innovation in water consumption the most advanced on the marketplace today. Coming soon to www.90Hive.com

Stay tuned at www.90Hive.org for its availability and release! Get your Free Customer membership today and be ready order as soon as it's released and avoid the back-order delay


Bruce Jacobs (Contributor ID# E100397)
Executive Marketing Director
90 Essential Nutrients by 90Hive
who are willing to accomplish extraordinary things
in a Healthy Way!

The info shared here has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, cure or treat any illness or disease.