CartRipple Savings

Online shopping is all year round but Black Friday and Cyber Monday is that the core center of heavy discount shopping season. CartRipple want to make sure that you can take full advantage of as many sales and exclusive deals as you can. With so many stores claiming to be offering the best deals, how can you really know? Even though you have so many in-store deals many times that same store maybe offering better online deals to choose from. Though it may seem like a forrest and the mayhem of finding parking, many are choosing to do the bulk of their shopping online. So how do you find the best deals in-stores and online? The free desktop CartRipple shopping assistant and or phone app is here to help you.

The new CartRipple app is a very effective shooping tool that can be used on your cell phone, tablet and desktop.  The key features of CartRipple is focused to help you Save Money, Get Special Deals, Compare Prices and more from stores that you already shop at. Currently there's only 2,000 stores that post their sales to CartRipple but many of these stores are ones that you know. Even if you're looking for something that's NOT on sale, the CartRipple App can still show you who has it at the cheapest price. On top of finding the savings you can then accumulate real cashback money on every dollar you spend when you purchase your items through the CartRipple Shopping App. It's almost like these stores (Groupon, Restaurant Walmart…etc) are rewarding the CartRipple shoppers for being loyal to CartRipple.

All I know is that if you are pressed for time trying to find the best prices on items you're going to buy, then using the free CartRipple App is a no-brainer. Finding deals, saving money and giving you cashback all year round is the way to shop and is what your CartRipple shopping assistant and App tool is best at. It's ready for you right now at


Bruce Jacobs (contributor)

The info shared here has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, cure or treat any illness or disease.

CartRipple Deals, Savings and CashBack Shopping Tool

Online shopping is all year round but Black Friday and Cyber Monday is that the core center of heavy discount shopping season. CartRipple want to make sure that you can take full advantage of as many sales and exclusive deals as you can. With so many stores claiming to be offering the best deals, how can you really know? Even though you have so many in-store deals many times that same store maybe offering better online deals to choose from. Though it may seem like a forrest and the mayhem of finding parking, many are choosing to do the bulk of their shopping online. So how do you find the best deals in-stores and online? The free desktop CartRipple shopping assistant and or phone app is here to help you.

The new CartRipple app is a very effective shooping tool that can be used on your cell phone, tablet and desktop.  The key features of CartRipple is focused to help you Save Money, Get Special Deals, Compare Prices and more from stores that you already shop at. Currently there's only 2,000 stores that post their sales to CartRipple but many of these stores are ones that you know. Even if you're looking for something that's NOT on sale, the CartRipple App can still show you who has it at the cheapest price. On top of finding the savings you can then accumulate real cashback money on every dollar you spend when you purchase your items through the CartRipple Shopping App. It's almost like these stores (Groupon, Restaurant Walmart…etc) are rewarding the CartRipple shoppers for being loyal to CartRipple.

All I know is that if you are pressed for time trying to find the best prices on items you're going to buy, then using the free CartRipple App is a no-brainer. Finding deals, saving money and giving you cashback all year round is the way to shop and is what your CartRipple shopping assistant and App tool is best at. It's ready for you right now at


Bruce Jacobs (contributor)

The info shared here has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, cure or treat any illness or disease.

Garrett Jacobs enters Federal Duck Stamp competition

Burlington City New Jersey has its own special place in American history. Burlington New Jersey has also been the home to some very well known people that have accomplished some very well notable achievements too. While the list of these Burlingtonians may be a little longer than one may think, you can access a short list that I found on  Wikipedia by clicking here. Hopefully on September 10, 2016 Garrett Jacobs who was born and raised in Burlington City will achieve something that has never been done. In the  61-year history of the Federal Migratory Bird Hunting and Conservation Stamp that's (aka Federal Duck Stamp) competition, there has never been an African-American from an urban area to win the Federal Duck Stamp competition.

Garret Jacobs won the North Carolina Waterfowl Conservation Stamp competition this past January 2016. That by itself was remarkable for a few key reasons. Here is a snippet of the published article by Mike Voss (author) of The Washington Daily News: "AND THE WINNER IS: Garrett Jacobs’ painting of a brant is the winner of the North Carolina Waterfowl Conservation Stamp competition. Jacobs won the North Carolina competition in his second attempt. He scored 41 points out of a possible 45 points. He’s placed in the top 20 entries in three federal duck-stamp competitions.

Neal Woolard, one of the five judges and a Beaufort County resident, was impressed with the quality of the entries. “I think it (quality) was really good in the top five that we picked. We probably cut out more in the in-and-out round to start off with than we have in years past,” Woolard said. “It goes back to the fact we’re attracting so many more artists now, and it kind of thins out things toward the bottom because the quality if getting better at the top, if that makes sense.” Woolard noted that recent winners of the annual competition “are spread out in more states than they used to be.” “Incidentally, the last two winners here were artists of the year for Ducks Unlimited in 2014, 2015. So, that gives you an idea of the quality of folks we are attracting right here in Washington,” Woolard said.

Jacobs’ blue-ribbon entry will be used as the artwork for the 2016 prints and ducks stamps sold to help pay for North Carolina’s portion of the North American Waterfowl Management Plan." Another remarkable thing is that from what I've been finding out is that he may also be the first African-American from an urban area to win any state sponsored Duck Stamp competition. Please read the rest of Mike Voss (author) of The Washington Daily News published article by clicking here

In just about 3 more days some of the most talented wildlife artists throughout this country will enter their masterpiece artwork for an opportunity to have it featured on a conservation stamp. This stamp projects to raise almost $25 million a year to support wetland conservation. What a contribution this could be and knowing that it came at the hands of a urban African-American artist from Burlington City in his own urban backyard of Philadelphia makes it all even sweeter. Here's another snippet of info that I found on the website of where the competition is being held – " Each year, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service sponsors the Federal Duck Stamp Art contest, the only federally sponsored competition of its kind. This year, the Service is partnering with the Academy of Natural Sciences of Drexel University to bring the contest to Philadelphia. Art entries will be displayed and judging will take place at the Academy on Friday and Saturday, Sept. 9 and 10. Academy staff will present live animal shows and crafts where children can make their own duck stamp to take home." For more information about this 2 day Federal Duck Stamp event, please click here

There are people from the Federal Duck Stamp national circuit trail that is aware of who Mr. Garrett Jacobs is and the excitement that he's bringing from the urban area where he is from. If you want to wish him luck then show your support by showing up. Garrett Jacobs is coming back home for a few days from Florida and he would be very grateful to see as many people as he can.  What would really be nice if the mayor or someone from his staff be there. What a remarkable photo that would be. Many fist timers all together making another Burlington City imprint in lives of so many throughout our country.

The event will be held at:

The Academy of Natural Sciences of Drexel University
1900 Benjamin Franklin Parkway, Philadelphia, PA 19103     
Phone: (215) 299-1000


Burlington City Resident, (contributor)

The info shared here has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, cure or treat any illness or disease.