Tag Archives: markethive

The Market Network Marketplace Time is Here

Market Networks combines the main elements of online networks, social platforms and marketplaces and strive towards how to impact how millions of service professionals will work and earn their living. The Market-Network time has come and so has yours.

Watch the video and get a quick but deeper understanding who is leading this new industry



Bruce Jacobs (MH Contributor)

The info shared here has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, cure or treat any illness or disease.

Markethive and Valentus: Organic Leads and Coffee Partnership

Image result for markethive 

The apex of automated marketing blogging platforms and “skinny coffee” known as Valentus Slim Roast are ready to launch; however, only those who recognize this unique opportunity are really wanted.

Au Naturale, Markethive and Valentus have joined forces to create a symbiotic relationship between two business entities that are fed up with traditional MLM Industry.  Yes, Bee & Coffee are about “empowering both the little guy and gal” to market and sell a product the World consumes daily only after water.  Try going 72-hours without H-2-0 and watch your body breakdown.  Guess what, people feel the same way if, they don’t have their “Cup of Joe” and react like they’re going through withdrawal. 

The Digital Age is here and entrepreneurship continues to explode thanks to technology and those innovators who embrace risk, while providing a solution to a problem.  Guess what you’re one of them because you became a renegade and willing to face the unknown, while incurring the costs in business.  Respect is given to you but, not the industry (MLM), due to its dubious reputation and need for change.     

Yes, it’s time for a change because MLM doesn’t have the best reputation as indicated by the recent Consent Decree Settlement between Herbalife and FTC .  Hey, $200 million dollars isn’t chump-change and sends a message to the industry that “product and consumers” must exist and not “product and distributors”.  Yeah, verification will be needed in the future and old business models will no longer be accepted unless, they can prove that their product is being retailed to the masses.  Guess what, old methods of marketing like “Outbound Marketing” are increasingly ineffective in generating sales and more importantly, establishing a trusting business relationships between consumers and proprietors.  New business models and new marketing methods like “Inbound Marketing” have emerged and increasingly becoming the norm because educated consumers like Millennials, who have purchasing power of $200 Billion dollars are sick and tired of being sold. Yes, these kiddies are tech- savvy and research everything before digging into their debit/credit-cards (nobody uses cash, anymore) and if, your product or service doesn’t address their needs or resolve a problem then, they happily tell you, “hit the bricks”.  Well, if you want to avoid the proverbial MLM Cemetery for Dead Dealers who, operate a Non-Profit Agency then, you better embrace “Customer-Centricity”, like the industry leader Amazon.     

Yes, in the Digital Age of Technology for a business to succeed then, it must embrace the idea of the customer being the priority and less so, shareholders, which is a revolutionary concept among corporate profiteers.  However, Amazon valued at $230 Billion dollars realized that success was centered upon "focus relentlessly on our customers."  Needless to say, title of World’s Largest retailor isn’t by chance.

So, do you want to be part of the “customer-centricity’ trend and be at the forefront of a new era of Ecommerce where relationship building is key to creating a WIN-WIN for both owner and customer.  To learn more I invite you to review our information: http://www.SuccessRoute.biz/?rd=ct1VzwV7


Vaurn James

The info shared here has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, cure or treat any illness or disease.

MarketHive Services, Tools and Benefits

Markethive makes advertising online more fun, more productive with marketing solutions that work. While they have many tools and services that you can use in a huge social network setting, I like to bring your attention to 3 of their tools. Whether it's Inbound, Outbound and or Automated Marketing, you really should be using vital marketing tools such as a Lead Capture tool, Auto-Responder and a Website Rotator. Markethive provides you the latest technology in these tools and everything that they do.

One beautiful thing of a website Url Rotator is that you can showcase your multiple websites in your marketing campaign. As long as your multiple websites have your lead capture form or widget, you can get a better idea of what people are responding to the best.  As each of your websites are being rotated for viewing online, you can get a better idea of what people are responding to the most as you acquire people info via your lead capture tool on those pages.  Now you can streamline your marketing campaign in a more productive and hopefully lucrative manner. This can start the inbound marketing funnel process in a great way.

Lead Capture Pages are often utilizes social media platforms, email campaigns and even search engine marketing campaigns . These pages are designed to market something in return of getting a prospective viewer name, email, phone and other personal info for future contact for more information. It's really simple as provide a compelling idea, photo or video with a few words and then place a capture form box at the bottom of the webpage for an interested viewer to leave their info. Unfortunately in today's world many people are getting more leery about giving up this personal not knowing who is getting their personal info. Markethive has the perfect solution by creating a lead Capture widget (Icon). The Markethive lead capture widget allows that same potential customer to get what they want with 1 Click while never typing in any of their personal info. The cool thing is that using the Markethive lead capture widget still connects you to that potential customer in such a way that you can still get that personal info for you to utilize their state of the art auto-responder marketing system.

When you think of automated marketing many people think of "auto-responders" as a key and vital communication tool for many reasons. Research says that it may take 5-7 times (or more) of a potential customer viewing info of interest before they may make a decision to commit. An auto-responder  can be used as a perfect way of  automatically delivering pre-written messages over a short or long period of time to a prospective customer that is looking at what you have. While nothing beats the telephone conversation, but dripping periodic pre-written messages every other day or so keeps the lines of communication open and info flowing to a engaged prospect.

We all know that marketing online is definitely a numbers game. This is why so many online marketers are scrambling to create and promote their blogs, websites and capture pages on multiple platforms hoping they can reach more people. The greater the “Reach” can bring success to what you’re promoting. A big question is, how many people would you like to reach? The biggest question is and will always be is How do I do that?

MarketHive is the simple answer for many reasons. MarketHive makes it simple, easy and more affordable than any other option out there. Before WordPress, Aweber, Constant Contact, Facebook and other marketing solutions is the CEO of MarketHive. He ushered in the industry of automated marketing back in the early 90’s who is known as the “Godfather of Automated Marketing”. Now he’s at it again with his new Inbound Marketing Social Network for all entrepreneurs, built by entrepreneurs called MarketHive.

As you may see the ever growing list of the many tools and services below, more are coming. 

  1. Capture Widget
  2. Pre-Built Lead Capture Pages
  3. Short URL compression
  4. Website Widget
  5. Auto responder
  6. Back-link Tracking
  7. Blogging Platform
  8. WordPress Plugin
  9. Website Rotator
  10. Webinar Conference room
  11. Google Calendar Integration

No matter what you're building, promoting or branding, Markethive is your most sensible solution. If someone tells you of another company that provides the above services (more coming) that’s integrated into a social network setting with support, training and expertise for free, they lied. Take Markethive for a free spin and see all of the Markethive  services, tools and benefits it has to offer by visiting https://Markethive.com/90hivejacobs


Bruce Jacobs (Markethive Developer)

The info shared here has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, cure or treat any illness or disease.

Markethive: Multi-Million Dollar Social Marketing Platform- In Pre-Launch

Multi-Million Dollar Inbound Social Marketing Platform In Pre-Launch

Markethive has created a Multi-Million Dollar inbound social marketing platform that will rival the existing social media platforms in many ways.

Many times change comes along and we don't recognize it until its too late. Internet Marketing has changed with the advent of Millennials all searching for information specific as to what they want, no longer does SEO [Search Engine Optimization] play a major role in getting noticed on the internet. Millennials want to find information, not have it jammed down their throat.

They are seekers not persuaders!

The new trend of getting noticed on the internet is through referral basis. No longer do you have to pack your articles or website full of key words and hope the search engines notice them and give them top ranking, today you just have to make sure your message gets out to the public in a social way where people notice it, and then come to you for more information. Social Infusion Marketing is the new way to market your goods and services with people seeing what you are offering, and when the time comes that the person needs your offer they will take action.

Markethive has perfected Social Infusion Marketing with a unique social platform that allows anyone who is interested in marketing their products or company to be able to do it without paying huge sums of money to get noticed. No longer does anyone have to put up with the confusing language of the SEO guru's who charge outrageous sums of money with little results, you can do it yourself!

The Markethive platform is Free to join and use, and is funded partially by an advertising platform that enables the entrepreneur to get a huge reach with low cost. Markethive is built for the Global entrepreneur, and gives them a level playing field in a world that is cluttered with everyone trying to get into each others pocket financially.

So if you have read this far, Markethive is rolling out a Pre-Launch offer, before it goes to Crowdfunding, to anyone who want to join up and learn how to use this platform to grow their business. The Social part is being built by adding as many people as possible and assisting them in growing their business through Social Infusion Marketing.

To join just click here and you will be directed to a sign up page where you can enter the platform and poke around. Here is the secret, when the platform goes to CrowdFunding the people responsible will share in the rewards, so don't waste time this launch will be HUGE!

Thanks for reading,
Dr. Raymond Jewell

PS: Dr. Raymond Jewell is a leading Economist specializing in the Small and Home Based Business Marketplace. He is a Alpha Founder with Markethive and manages several blogs on the hive. Dr. Jewell is a professional Network Marketer and represents several companies successfully. He can be reached through Markethive.

The info shared here has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, cure or treat any illness or disease.

Youngevity Deal Day

Hello to all of my Wellness Entrepreneurs and seekers.

Today is "Deal Day" at Youngevity! Every Wednesday and ONE DAY ONLY… you can stock up on the featured product of the day while earning DOUBLE QV, allowing you to reach your monthly qualifications easier and quicker. Don't forget to check every Wednesday for that day special deal. See today's Youngevity deal at https://ygy1.com/dealday/.



If you are looking for healthy eye support then look no further than to one of Youngevity premier ProLine product called "Ocutiv" at hive.pe/h7

NOTE: I have created our own personal Markethive Youngevity network group page to help you get more info. Hopefully this page will be of some additional value to you with my blogs, selected videos, wall postings and more to come. Hopefully I will also be able to do some training and presentations in our new private webinar conference room when our network release our conference rooms. You can access our YGY Group page by joining my network page at  https://markethive.com/90hivejacobs . All you have to do is click onto one of the social network buttons, then click onto the "My Groups" to find our Youngevity 90 Essential Nutrients group. I do have a direct link to the group but sometimes it will defer you to the main website, but it can be found by Clicking Here.

That's all for now, have a blessed day!

Bruce Jacobs
Youngevity Independent rep

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

The info shared here has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, cure or treat any illness or disease.

Understanding Educational Technology

Education frequently takes place under the guidance of educators, but the trend of learners educating themselves is on a continuous upward movement. The reasons may include freedom to choose, no fear of questions being asked, learning at one's own pace and place, absorbing at one's own capacity and much more. The self-learning trend has been empowered by cutting edge educational technology innovation. social learning and education in technology 

what is social learning

Educational technology has started facilitating learning from the time of Abacus to the current generation e-learning / m-learning. It has gone through multiple changes while adjusting itself to the current generation's demand.

Helping people learn in ways that are easier, faster, surer, or less expensive can be traced back to the emergence of very early tools, such as abacus. The human race has been continuously challenged to educate its next generation in a more effective manner for equipping them to face future challenges. This pursuit of constant upgradations for better learning received a big push with the introduction of computers. In the very early days of computers in education, the University of Illinois initiated a classroom system based in linked computer terminals where students could access informational resources on a particular course while listening to the lectures that were recorded via some form of remotely linked device like a television or audio device, in the year 1960. There was no looking back since then. All kind of experiments started in world renowned universities like Stanford and Harvard for computer assisted teaching. In the mean time in 1971, an influential Austrian philosopher named Ivan Illich published a hugely influential book called, ' Deschooling Society ', in which he envisioned "learning webs" as a model for people to network the learning they needed. Ivan envisioned the power of networked learning way ahead of his time but everyone realizes the power of social / network learning, now.

The invention of World Wide Web in 1990 was the next big thing after computers. After this invention, learning changed radically. Anyone could create text based websites / portals with loads of information / learning material which anyone from any part of the world could read, digest and use. This democratizes the access to any information / learning and its usage. Improved Internet functionality enabled new schemes of communication with multimedia or webcams. Multimedia powered by the internet is slowly proliferating every aspect of learning and quietly disrupting this space. Multimedia content is more fun, more engaging and better to assimilate that text-based content. The other most important aspect is the method of learning which is asynchronous in nature. Asynchronous learning uses technologies such as email, blogs, wikis, and discussion boards, as well as web-supported textbooks, audio-video courses, and social networking using web 2.0 (Web 2.0 describes websites that emphasize user-generated content, usability, and interoperability). Everyone can now realize the impact of all of the above-mentioned technologies in their learning process.

The impact of the mass / social media is the result of a long adaptation process of their communicative resources to the evolutionary changes of each historical moment. Thus, the new media became an extension of the traditional media on the cyberspace, allowing to the public access information in a wide range of digital devices. In other words, it is a cultural virtualization of human reality as a result of the migration from physical to virtual space (mediated by the ICTs), ruled by codes, signs, and particular social relationships, inside and outside the classroom. Forwards, arise instant ways of synchronous and asynchronous communication, interaction and possible quick access to information, in which we are no longer mere senders, but also producers, reproducers, co-workers, and providers. New technologies also help to “connect” people from different cultures outside the virtual space, which was unthinkable fifty years ago. In this giant relationships web, we mutually absorb each other’s beliefs, customs, education, values, laws and habits, cultural legacies perpetuated by a physical-virtual dynamics in constant metamorphosis.

The impact of social media on everyone's learning is undeniable. The National School Boards Association found that 96% of students with online access have used social networking technologies, and more than 50% talk online about schoolwork. Social networking encourages collaboration and engagement and can be a motivational tool for self-efficacy amongst students. Every student has his or her own learning requirements, and a Web 2.0 educational framework can provide enough resources, learning styles, communication tools, and flexibility to accommodate this diversity.

A highly interesting possibility emerges out from all of the above. A combination of Ivan's vision of "learning webs" as a model for people to network the learning they needed, with the need of a Web 2.0 educational framework based on social network and real-time multimedia technologies. Can this combination be a disruptive learning model for the future? Only Time can answer this question.

If you believe that my message is worth spreading, please use the share buttons if they show at the top of the page.

Stephen Hodgkiss
Chief Engineer at MarketHive


The info shared here has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, cure or treat any illness or disease.

Your Mindset Development Guarantees Both Success and Failure

Your Mindset Development Guarantees Both Success & Failure positive mindset and personal development 

"Being an entrepreneur is a Mindset….you have to things as opportunities all the time….Soledad O'Brien

Alright, which one are you going to choose success or failure?  No doubt you desire to generate consistent, predictable and long-term residual income from your home business opportunity or any business you joinedbut the biggest obstacle to achieving success has ironically been yourself.  Okay, get the hell out of your own way, but how do you that?  Well, let’s start at the beginning to make things simple because the simple plans are usually the ones that work the best for all people.  Firstly, do you honestly believe you can succeed online?  If not then, let’s begin with the old grey matter and work our way down.  Yes, success begins six inches between the ears. 

Do you realize that your pattern of thinking or Mindset will determine whether you generate profit or require a George Herbert Walker Bush rescue plan because your pattern of thought was self-destructive and lead to your arrival in the MLM Cemetery?  Hence, success or failure is a completely an internal process that begins with your mindset and then, executed through consistent action.  If, you are unable to formulate in your mind the belief you can succeed and sustain it during times of adversity then, you will succumb to the negative influences of the millions who surrender their dreams of being successful and remain content living as mediocre people.  “Humans are designed to seek comfort and order, and so if they have comfort and order, they tend to plant themselves, even if their comfort is not all that comfortable, even if they see clearly want for something better.” â€• Donald Miller   

Jeffrey Combs, President of Golden mastermind Semianrs.com once said, “mediocre people live in their comfort zone, but their comfort zone is their failure zone”.  So, are you afraid to step outside the norm and remain with the millions of people who do the J.O.B for life and die dead broke?  How about living a life, which is cautious, redundant and non-stimulating, which is an example of non-growth and more importantly, an example of failure.  Is that you and if so, why are satisfied with that kind of life.  Success requires growth and the ability to break through barriers and not remain stagnant, which is another form of failure.  Hence, to succeed one’s mindset must grow beyond what it believes are its limits.  The search engine Google is an example of an entity that is always growing and adjusts so as to not become stagnant; otherwise, it will become irrelevant.  Last I checked nobody wants to be known as being irrelevant; otherwise, you acknowledge you serve no useful purpose to others or to yourself.

Are you ready to go beyond your limit and seek the title of not 1st Place, 2nd Place nor 3rd Place, but most improved? Unfortunately, most will choose the life of mediocrity because it's safe and familiar; however, today's digital world with constantly changing technology will severely punish those who fall behind or refuse to adapt.  Well, the economy will actually meet out the discipline and reward those who bring value to the market.  The question remains is your mindset capable of adjusting to the challenges within a global economy that sees people as expendable and corporations as essential to societal, political and economic growth.  If yes, then, I invite you attend our next live workshop and learn how you can achieve online success with our global online community.

If you believe that my message is worth spreading, please use the share buttons if they show at the top of the page.

Stephen Hodgkiss
Chief Engineer at MarketHive


The info shared here has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, cure or treat any illness or disease.

Remember the Hammer from Veretekk?

Unfair Advantage has returned.

Remember The Hammer?

Shortly after shutting Veretekk down I embarked on building a new platform from scratch, all new code, fresh, from the start using modern operating systems, this vision is called Markethive. It is a true social network, easily navigated and works similar to Facebook, which means it is extremely intuitive and a quick learn to use.

Markethive is a vertical social network for entrepreneurs, a culture that represents innovation, vision and determination and driven to achieve greater than one’s own boundaries.  An engine that roars with the blood, sweat and tears of the individual that seeks beyond their capabilities.  We now live in a time that the entrepreneur has become all of us as the traditional culture of jobs fades away into today’s realities.

But Markethive has another engine as well. If you were a member way back in the 90s you remember us ”inventing” Automated Marketing, Veremail (autoresponder emails), Traffic Portals (Blastomatic, Sohomatic, Maoney_Machine, Vereconference), Broadcasting platforms (The Hammer), Tracking (Veretracking) all of this and more all integrated, 20 years ago! Remember the massive unique leads you would get coming to you, not you chasing them?

Today it has been rebranded as Inbound Marketing. Inbound Marketing is attracting traffic, converting to subscribers, then converting to customers, that converting to advocates. Other companies sell a similar service for up to and more than $10,000 per month. I am not kidding. These platforms are valuable, expensive to build and flat out work!

Markethive has fused the Entrepreneur Social Network together with our own Inbound Marketing platform. The results are outstanding

The Hammer evolved into a master piece that published a message, Title and link to literally billions of FFA sites, Classified Ad sites, Guest books, and forums. It was abusive, rude, did not ask, it broke down the walls and placed it’s message, millions of messages on billions of sites. It was an amazing piece of work. It produced massive inbound traffic and leads. People literally became addicted to it. It combined an entertaining eye candy process and a huge massive result. It got oooos and ahhhhs. I became famous for The Hammer. I even have a video of one of the later versions of the Hammer. It is nostalgia in it’s purest form. Enjoy.

I have replaced the Hammer!

In fact I have eclipsed the Hammer with a new Social Networked Broadcasting tool called the Blog Caster (Broadcaster). It integrates into the hundreds of Social Networks owned by 1000s and growing into millions of Markethive subscribers accounts. It operates on a viral process of subscribers, to your posts and their subsequent reach, giving you a downstream result that can easily eclipse reaches of readers into the billions. But not static, but people who react to your messages and the traffic influx becomes massive.

And the message? It originates from your Markethive blog. So your message(s) are comprehensive and often will find themselves being shared by people you never knew. Your Markethive blog is subscribed to by your 1000s of friends and their 1000s of friends, 1000s also share your blog content, with your permission, to their many WordPress and other blogs.

Markethive WordPress plugins turn WordPress into a massive broadcasting platform, exponentially increasing even further reaches. This chain reaction has no limit.

Markethive is just getting started. If Veretekk impressed you once upon a time long ago, Markethive will blow you away. And we are just getting started.

Unlike Veretekk, Markethive’s technology Inbound Marketing platform, the whole enchilada, is Free!

We fund Markethive with advertising and the best part about that? We share up to 50% of that revenue with you.

I told you I would return, come join me as we head of into the future 10 years ahead of the rest. Now Unfair Advantage is available to you, again, for Free.

For more about the new Broadcasting technology make sure to read Blog Casting and the Reach

Find out more about Markethive by joining us.

If you believe that my message is worth spreading, please use the share buttons if they show at the top of the page.

Stephen Hodgkiss
Chief Engineer at MarketHive


The info shared here has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, cure or treat any illness or disease.

Reach Massive People by Blogging

There are more and more bloggers created every day. If you have a point to share about a product, service, business, events (the list goes on), many people choose to expose it online via their blog. With so many blogging services and platforms out there, how do you choose one? Even after you have chosen a blogging platform, service or network, can you still "Reach" enough people to make a difference.

We all know that blogging is definitely a numbers game. This is why so many bloggers are scrambling to create and promote their blogs on multiple platforms thinking they can reach more people. The greater the "Reach" can bring success to what you're promoting. A big question is, how many people would you like to reach? Now that you have that number in your head the other questions is How do I do that?

MarketHive is the simple answer for many reasons. MarketHive makes it simple, easy and more affordable than any other option out there.  Before WordPress, Aweber, Constant Contact, Facebook and other marketing solutions is the CEO of MarketHive. He ushered in the industry of automated marketing back in the early 90's known as the "Godfather of Automated Marketing".  if that wasn't enough he then created the first Inbound Marketing Network in the mid 90's. Now he's at it again with his new social Inbound Marketing Network for all entrepreneurs, built by entrepreneurs called MarketHive.

Don't just take my word for it, see his video blow that talks about reaching massive people by blogging. This is just one component of his new business network and how it can impact any bloggers reach in a massive way.

If you're a entrepreneur that specializes in helping others to succeed online, you owe your viewers this info. To get inside the MarketHive system for free more details is as easy as connecting any of your favorite Social Profiles by Clicking Here Now

Now is you want to be telling others about MarketHive before they start telling you and others they know.


Bruce Jacobs
MarketHive (Partner/ Developer)

The info shared here has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, cure or treat any illness or disease.

Alpha Legacy Ending Soon

The MarketHive Alpha Legacy Phase launched is ending soon. Your opportunity to be a part of what is shaping up to be the biggest event to occur within the industry of Internet Marketing is literally passing through your eyes right now. The most powerful Inbound Marketing system that's integrated within a state of the art Social Network ever built is now passing the "Soft Launch". This 4 year project that was initially funded by over $500,000 of investment capital from serious entrepreneurs from around the world. Heading up the development and release is the founder who's also known as the Godfather and Originator of Automated Marketing from over 20+ years ago name Mr. Thomas Prendergast along with his state of the art engineering department.

You know many business and personal social networks out there right now, don’t you. You probably use one, two or e few of them, haven't you? These networks all started from somewhere and now are worth millions if not billions of dollars that you can’t get a dime from them, can you? What if this new Inbound Marketing Social platform is as successful as the others? How would you feel knowing you had an opportunity to receive your share of the company incoming multiple revenue streams for years to come but missed out all because you never took a few minutes to take a free look inside?

There are still a Limited number of Alpha Legacy positions available for real entrepreneurs. Many networkers are already spending hundreds of dollars in marketing advertising and memberships each month. Why not spend that same money in a one-time fee with an opportunity of becoming a Alpha Legacy Founder. You will not only get thousands of free advertising credits each month but you will also be able to build and brand whatever current business in what is shaping up to be the most powerful inbound social marketing network that online marketers have ever seen to date. The MarketHive integrated inbound marketing social network has been built by some of the most knowledgeable marketing entrepreneurs for all entrepreneurs like yourself and others you know.

If you're a serious entrepreneur or serious leader, you want to be telling others about MarketHive before they start telling you and others they know. To get inside the MarketHive system for free more details is as easy as connecting any of your favorite Social Profiles by Clicking Here Now

Bruce Jacobs
Partner & Developer

The info shared here has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, cure or treat any illness or disease.