Dr. Joel Wallach Dead Doctors Don’t Lie

Dr. Joel Wallach "Dead Doctors Don't Lie" wellness lecture is the most listen to by millions of people around the world. Hear this doctor wellness insight from over 40 years of knowledge and hands on experience explaining the importance of the 90 essential nutrients and how it can help support your health. The audio version of his below powerful Dead Doctor Don't Lie live lecture is without a doubt the most popular health lecture in history with approximately 46 MILLION copies sold worldwide.

Dr. Wallach discovered that the body requires 90 essential nutrients to fully function. With these nutrients the body can avoid, and even reverse, many of today’s pressing health concerns. Lots of people dream about changing the world, but very few ever try it — let alone do it. Dr. Joel Wallach’s relentless 45-year pursuit of scientific truth, and his persistent willingness to challenge the status quo, has enriched the lives and improved the health and well-being of millions of people.


Bruce Jacobs


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The info shared here has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, cure or treat any illness or disease.