Tag Archives: youngevity network

Youngevity Welcomes You


Youngevity allows you to "Swap Where You Shop" for the best quality products and services that can effect us all in our normal everyday living.  Not only does Youngevity provide you access to their industry best, you can also find other quality companies under the Youngevity umbrella network providing their industry quality products too.

Even if you don't know the Youngevity brand or the other companies within their network, through Youngevity "CartRiple" online shopping portal still may provide you access to many companies that you already know. Did you know that you can receive real cashback when shopping at your favorite online stores when utilizing Youngevity "Swap Where You Shop" CartRiple method?

A really cool benefit of having a Youngevity membership is that if you like the value of what the products, services and savings, chances are that others you know may like them too. You get to "Pick Your Passion" of industries such as (but not limited to)

  1. Food & Beverage
  2. Memory Keeping
  3. Spa & Beauty
  4. Apparel & Jewelry
  5. Services
  6. Health & Wellness
  7. More to Come!

Youngevity offers a Free Preferred Customer membership and a One-Time $25 Business Membership. Either membership will allow you to take advantage of the new "Youngevity Betterment Way". The only difference that the business membership help position you to receive more cash benefits… that's all. If you're not taking advantage of the "New Economy", now you can! 


I will personally help you get the most benefit and understanding of your new "Swap Where You Shop" Youngevity membership today. 



Bruce Jacobs #E100397
(Contributor/Independant Rep)

The info shared here has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, cure or treat any illness or disease.

Swap Where You Shop to Save and Earn

Youngevity allows you to "Swap Where You Shop" for the best quality products and services that can effect us all in our normal everyday living.  Not only does Youngevity provide you access to their industry best, you can also find other quality companies under the Youngevity umbrella network providing their industry quality products too.

Even if you don't know the Youngevity brand or the other companies within their network,  through Youngevity "CartRiple" online shopping portal still may provide you access to many companies that you already know. Did you know that you can receive real cashback when shopping at your favorite online stores when utilizing Youngevity "Swap Where You Shop" CartRiple method?

Come view and receive your new "Swap Where You Shop" Youngevity free membership today.



Bruce Jacobs #E100397
(Contributor/Independant Rep)

The info shared here has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, cure or treat any illness or disease.

Eric Worre Netwok Marketing Tips

Eric Worre will be sharing network marketing tips on a very special call for Youngevity and you need to hear this. If you ever thought about building a Youngevity business or any kind of business, take notice of this… Look who they just attracted to be on the next big Youngevity conference. If anyone knows huge amount about building a online business in network marketing, Eric Worre  will be at the top of list of hundreds of thousands if not millions of people minds. So why is he on this special Youngevity Breaking News call, I have no clue. But neither do you and you need to be on this call too. One thing for sure is that Youngevity is moving forward with or without you but others you know will be there.  There's something that he see's and he is going to share it with our company .


Getting on this call won’t do you any good if you’re signed up into the Youngevity network first. You can enter Youngevity network for $500, $25 or for free. It doesn't matter how you enter as long as you position yourself now. If you’re a business builder then you know about the advantages of joining at the higher ranks. If you’re a little suspect, then joining at one of the lower ranks might work for you.  But let me ask you a couple of questions. What would happen if you brought a couple of friends that also brought a couple friends into Youngevity and you all got on the call with Mr. Eric Worre? What if you came into Youngevity and then as soon as you got off the call others start ringing your phone,or texting you about what just heard on tis special call with Eric Worre. How would you feel?



Get Positioned now to be able to tell others before others tell you… The Ripple effect has already begun.


Join Now at http://hive.pe/6e


Bruce Jacobs