Phew! It’s hot out there and staying properly hydrated can sometimes be a challenged! Summer is in full-force and definately not over in many states, which means that you’re probably sweating a lot. Keeping hydrated is important for your body, not only in these summer months, but also when you’re exercising or taking part in athletic activities and, it goes beyond simply drinking water. You also need to replace the nutrients you lose when you sweat. So, what are the options available on the shelf for replenishing your hydration? A good start to stay hydrated is eating foods that hydrate your body with essential nutrients.
Here are 3 foods that can help keep you hydrated and nourished.
- Watermelons
Of course, we all know this one. I mean, it even says “water” in the name! But it’s true – watermelon is an excellent choice for keeping you hydrated, as it is 92% water! Additionally, the fruit contains a bit of salt, calcium, magnesium, and is a good source of potassium, vitamin A and vitamin C, making it the perfect hydration snack. Summer is the peak season for this delicious, refreshing snack! So, make sure you grab one the next time you visit your local farmer’s market!
- Strawberries
Watermelon isn’t the only fruit that is 92% water. Strawberries have just as much water in them! They are also loaded with fiber and vitamin C, making them good for hydration AND good for your body. The peak season for strawberries is April-June, but they thrive in warm climates like California and Florida year round. This makes them readily available at most supermarkets all year for your nutritious smoothies and snacks.
- Cucumbers
Aside from fruit, many vegetables offer your body hydration, like cucumber. Cucumber flies to the top of the list for fruits and veggies that keep you hydrated, for containing 96% water! Cucumbers are also rich in essential minerals such as potassium and vitamin K. Cucumbers are an excellent choice for your summer garden. Growing best in warm weather, they are easy to grow and have a relatively short growing period. Once your seeds have been planted, cucumbers are usually ready to pick in about 55-65 days.
Though there are plenty of options for fruits and veggies that can keep you hydrated, sometimes it is nice just to have a refreshing, cold drink after a workout. Walk into grocery or convenience store and you’ll see a plethora of drinks that are marketed towards athletes as something healthy to consume post-workout. But, are they really healthy? How can you avoid making the mistake of purchasing a drink that doesn’t actually do what you want it to do?
Youngevity offers a truly healthy alternative to those sport and energy drinks available on the shelf, that may have tons of extra sugar and sodium that do more harm than good to your body. Former NBA All-Star Theo Ratliff, who established himself as one of the NBA’s premier shot blockers, loves Youngevity’s Rebound fx Citrus Punch to stay hydrated! It supplies a quick sustained energy, while offering a balance of antioxidants, natural herbs, and the minerals that must be replenished in order for the body to function at optimal levels!
During the month of July only, Youngevity brought back some of their most popular Swap Where You Shop bundles! Youngevity’s Rebound fx Citrus Punch was included in this year’s Swap Where You Shop bundles! Since July has passed you still can purchase the ReboundFX sports drink that dose moer than just hydrate you.
Make sure you stay hydrated this summer and #SwapWhereYouShop
Bruce Jacobs Youngevity Rep ID# E100397

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