Tag Archives: Healthy eating

Beyond Tangy Tangerine 2.0 Multi-Vitamin Complex

Beyond Tangy Tangerine 2.0  that is also known as BTT is the most complete multi-vitamin and mineral complex available today. We all know and I would like to think that most doctors would agree that healthy eating is extremely supportive to overall good health. Healthy eating is supposed to give you the essential nutrients in a balance amount to help support the body in good health. If you lack any of these nutrients in balance you could be visiting your doctor eventually. I remembered at my doctors yearly checkup  I told the doctor that I was feeling a little bit run down and sluggish some days, have that ever happen to you? My doctor wanted to give me a vitamin B-12 shot so opted for the B-12 supplement. Another time I had to get some blood work done and my doctor said that my blood work showed that I was low in Vitamin D-3. He said that’s why I may have been dealing with some new health issues like aching bones. If your bones ache then most likely you know how annoying and uncomfortable that pain is. So you guessed it, my medical doctor said he would prescribe a vitamin D-3 supplement for me.


Many medical doctors now know the importance of supplementing your health with the essential nutrients. I’m not sure how many OBGYN doctors that won’t prescribe a pre-natal multi-vitamin for the health of the a pregnant mother and her child. But aren't you glad that childbearing isn't the only determining factor for taking a good multi-vitamin complex. A vast amount of medical doctors are now recommending a good multi-vitamin to many of their patients. One of the big advantages of taking a good and well balance multi-vitamin complex is that it should have all of the essential nutrients that could be lacking in the foods that we eat. If doctors are now willing to say that missing essential nutrients can lead to fatigue, achy bones, bad teeth, slow growth, eye support and so on, then you should consider supplementing with a good and balanced multi-vitamin & mineral complex.

Now you if you really read the above 2 paragraphs, the most important key word phrase that was used is “Essential Nutrients”. One of the top (ND) doctors in the world has complied the most complete list of Essential Nutrients. The essential nutrients is a separate conversation. if you must see the list now just click onto the phrase “Essential Nutrients at the bottom of this blog. Just know that of the 90 essential nutrients that this Beyond Tangy Tangerine 2.0 has about 87 of them. The Beyond Tangy Tangerine 2.0 is the most advanced multi-vitamin mineral complex to date that provides you the highest quality essential nutrients that your body needs for optimal health. With over 8000 ORAC certified organic ingredients and synergizing cofactors to maximize vitamin and mineral uptake. It contains potent nutrients, synergizing co-factors, and a prebiotic and probiotic blend that promotes maximum nutrient absorption and benefits.


Key Phrase: Essential Nutrients


Bruce Jacobs (Contributor)


Absorbing nutritional supplementation

Healthy eating and nutritional supplementation is a great start towards your new years healthy goals. As a famous doctor still says "It's not so much what you eat but more so what we don't eat is what killing us". Then when I heard him say " You are what you absorb", everything started to make sense. So many of us are under the belief that our body breaks down everything that we consume, absorb it then and distribute every nutrient to where its supposed to go.

What if we consume nutrients that counteracts the food breakdown process? Or better yet, what if we don't consume the correct nutrients that helps us to break down what we consume? I think its a pretty logical guess that food that's not fully broken down  properly has 2 options. Foods not broken down properly could either just pass through or just sit and wait inside for who knows how long. Either way the so called nutrients are either trapped inside or wasted away.

Once again our consumed nutrients are only as good as your body’s ability to absorb them. proper absorption ensures that your body has the nutrients it needs to perform at its optimum level to support a healthier you. So if feeling younger, having more energy and living longer is on your New Years healthy goal list then you hopefully you realize that the importance of proper supplementation is key. So many people don't realize the importance of what this doctor has identified as what are the 90 Essential Nutrients.

More important is that most of us can not consume many of the 90 Essential Nutrients in the amounts we need (if at all) unless we supplement them. I have come to love the Youngevity’s Pro-Line core of “90 for Life” products that have been scientifically designed for ideal absorption while still being able to deliver the 90 Essential nutrients too. I really believe that consuming these 90 Essential Nutrients could very well help position the body to avoid, and possibly even reverse many of today’s pressing health concerns.


Bruce Jacobs
Youngevity Indep. Rep #E100397
Learn more about Essential Nutrients by Clicking Here

The info shared here has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, cure or treat any illness or disease.

The info shared here has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, cure or treat any illness or disease.