Zoe is the Greek word in the New Testament for “abundant life.” Most often, Zoé is translated “eternal life” like in John 3:16 — “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.” The purpose of this church is to teach people about the life of God, how they can live it to it’s fullest, and share it with others.
Zoe Christian Fellowship church is a affiliated with Kenneth Hagin’s Rhema Ministries in Broken Arrow, OK. that is pastored by Stephen Hecht of Warrington PA. Zoe Christian Fellowship church is to teach and preach without compromise through the Word of God of how we can live the wonderfully rich, abundant life that God has intended for us all.
If this is your first time hearing about Zoe Christian Fellowship online, I would like to invite you and others you know to stop by in person and fellowship with us. If you wish to follow and support us online then visit us at http://www.zoe-ministries.org .
Feel free to get our updates and weekly podcast messages while you’re there. You can also follow us on Facebook and “Like” us while you’re there at http://www.facebook.com/pages/Zoe-Christian-Fellowship-Warrington-PA/285236572207
Stay tuned to Zoe Christian Fellowship by clicking the link above
Bruce Jacobs
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