Youngevity 90 For Life is My Reason Why

Many people ask me “So Why Nutrition and Why Youngevity”, and my answer is two fold of Philosophy and Performance. The idea or philosophy of what is real nutrition can vary from person to person and doctor to doctor. Many believe that most foods we eat contains good nutrition. You still hear doctors, nutritionist and parents say that "You can get all the proper nutrition we need from the basic four food groups that we eat". Well that may have been true 100 years ago when the meats, fruits and veggies were loaded with huge amounts of essential vitamins, essential minerals, essential amino acids and essential fatty acids. If the medical industry really believed that we can get all the essential nutrients from the foods we eat, then why have they've been prescribing prenatal vitamins for over 50 years? I remember my wife first prenatal vitamins in 1989 had 23 nutrients and then her last prescribed prenatal prescription in 2000 had 35 nutrients. Looks like they must have missed a few essentials each year.

My nutritional beliefs really started when I worked at a hospital in the early 1980's. I heard back then that there were at least 70 essential nutrients. I learned back then that an essential nutrient was a substance that must be obtained from our food diet or supplementation because the body cannot make it in sufficient quantity to meet the body functional needs. I had no clue what that really meant until years later when my 12 year old son was facing a life and death situation according to his doctors. I came across a well made high quality multi nutrient source and had a pharmacist to verify some info on it. A couple of doctors said it just might be my son best defense in what he;s about to encounter. 30 days later he was still living and his pediatrician watched him carefully for the next 2 months. His pediatrician asked me what did we do because his 12 year battle of his health trauma is gone. The need for taking five different steroids for his health issues were gone too. I told her that I gave him a multi supplement that had 75 nutrients of which 70 of them were known to be essential. After she had it analyze, all she could do is apologize and say "continue to do whatever you were doing" without telling me her suspicions on which nutrient(s) may have helped him.

Since then I've been searching for not only what are the essential nutrients and but "Why" are they essential. Anyone that knows me especially my sons can tell you that my philosophy starts with getting the correct answer but ends with "Why is the answer is correct"? Youngevity has answered the "What are the Essential Nutrients and Why each one is essential better than any others with their 90 For Life core philosophy. Youngevity for me is not just another Direct sales company or just another publicly traded wellness company. "90 For Life" is Youngevity’s core product and verified science based philosophy. This 90 For Life philosophy comes at the 40 plus years of research and  lifelong achievement of Dr. Joel Wallach. This renowned doctor, scientist, and  author of the most popular health lecture of all time, “Dead Doctors Don’t Lie.” Over 150 million copies have circulated the globe since its released and still circulating today. During his 40 years of research and development, Dr. Wallach has discovered that the human body needs 90 essential nutrients every day, just to survive – much less thrive. Another key factor to Dr. Wallach discoveries is that all supplements are created equal. Not only can I personally attest to that but so can thousands if not millions of others in their personal testimonies too. The results of his philosophy and research can never be truly understood unless you experience it for yourself.

This is not about the traditional wellness thing of family and friends, but more so about you. Yes we all would like to have our family and friends live healthier lives. Nobody wants to sit by and watch family and friends suffer in their bodies from all kinds of trauma conditions. It's very hard for most people you know to accept help from you if you don't believe in it yourself. The philosophy of 90 For Life is not hard to believe when you see it and experience for yourself. I have kept off 35lbs by implementing the 90 For Life philosophy. My 76 mother (76) had her physical and the doctor wrapped that cuff around her arm at 3 different times and could not believe what he saw. All she could say to me was "Thank you Dr. Wallach and 90 For Life". My wife mother frquent conversations consist of how good she feels with less hand and shoulder pain along with better mental clarity since taking the 90 For Life produtcs. One of my brothers had a chest trauma and was taking more than a dozen medicines.  He now definitely believes in Dr. Wallach and the 90 For Life philosophy and has empty bottles to show it. I have other kids and friends that have benefited from the "90 For Life" philosophy, and so many others have to. Here's one secret to the "90 For Life" philosophy: If you're not consuming the 90 essential nutrients everyday, you may not be as healthy as you think. If you don't believe me, understand the 90 For Life" philosophy by clicking here now.

When a doctor with this much experience says that the human body needs 90 essential nutrients, why would you and your doctor don't have his research and experience? You owe it to your body, your health and to others that love you. Get the info via his free membership at If you want the full understanding of what 90 For Life" philosophy is all about along with wellness tips that I'm sure you've never heard before, get your free and personal Preferred Customer membership by clicking here now

Bruce Jacobs

The info shared here has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, cure or treat any illness or disease.