Tag Archives: vitamins

How Many Essential Nutrients Are There

A "deficiency of essential nutrients in the human body" refers to a condition where the body does not have enough of a or multiple vital nutrient, like vitamins or minerals, needed for proper functioning and good health, which can lead to serious health issues. One of my favorite quotes from a 1962 Nobel Prize winner name Mr. Linus Pauling said “You can trace every sickness, every disease, and every ailment to a mineral deficiency.” We all know about the basic vitamins but seem to be clueless on  minerals, trace minerals and trace-trace minerals and their importance. Nutrients are essential in so many ways. 

Please take time to view my blog to learn more about the Essential Nutrients and where you can get the actual name of each nutrient. Now is your time to visit https://90hive.com/post/essential-nutrients


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Colloidal Mineral Deficiencies and Chronic Diseases

Vitamins, Minerals, EFA's are some of the basic nutrients our body needs in balance for many good health supporting reasons. Of the 90 essential nutrients that our body needs, minerals without a doubt is definitely high on the list. Not just any minerals but colloidal minerals is proving to be what's best. Take 40 minutes and hear why Dr. Glidden believes Mineral Deficiencies is the root cause of so many Chronic Diseases.

Ready to buy the colloidal minerals Click Here


Bruce Jacobs



The info shared here has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, cure or treat any illness or disease.