ASAP Weight Loss Diet Drops

The ASAP liquid drops weightloss program is not HCG but rather comprised of selected proprietary blend of protein fractions and amino acids that supports your body’s function to burn the Abnormal (adipose) fat stores. Follow the ASAP Program and Healthy Weight Loss Menu to start your weight loss today. The ASAP weight loss drops are considered to be an all-natural Homeopathic way to help assist the body to loose weight.

Follow the ASAP Program including the Healthy Weight Loss Menu for a minimum of 3 weeks and a maximum of 6 weeks as described in the ASAP Overview. If you have more weight to lose, you can start the program again after following the 3-Week Maintenance break from taking ASAP.

Here’s a quick overview of the ASAP Cycle:

  1. 3 Week ASAP Program or 6 Week ASAP Program
  2. ASAP 3-Week Maintenance
  3. ASAP Transition

1 – 3 Week ASAP Program or 6 Week ASAP Program
Follow the ASAP Program Overview and the Healthy Weight Loss Menu for a minimum of 3 weeks and a maximum of 6 weeks.
2 – ASAP 3-Week Maintenance
Congratulations! After you’ve completed the 3 Week ASAP Program or 6 Week ASAP Program you need to maintain your new weight loss, not lose more weight. You may now eat anything EXCEPT sugar and starch.

Weigh yourself every day! It takes about 3 weeks for your weight to become stable.
It is during these 3 weeks that you must realize starches (rice, bread, potatoes, pastries, etc.) are the most dangerous. If no carbohydrates are eaten, fats can be indulged in somewhat more liberally and even small quantities of alcohol, such as a glass of wine with meals. You are making the transition to eat what you want when you are hungry. Listen to your body and stop when you are satisfied. As long as your weight stays within 2 pounds of the weight reached on the last day of 1 – 3 Week ASAP Program or 6 Week ASAP Program.

Once you have maintained your weight for 3 weeks, then you can start the 1 – 3 Week ASAP Program or 6 Week ASAP Program again if you have more weight to lose.
If you have met your weight loss goal, move on to ASAP Transition.

3 – ASAP Transition
Now you will start introducing sugar and starches back into your meals. By this time, you will have some new eating habits and will have a better sense of what your body likes and will not revert to eating overly processed, empty caloric, non-nutritious food.
Continue to weigh yourself every day.
You are making the transition to eat what you want when you are hungry. Listen to your body and stop when you are satisfied.

NOTE: If you have more weight to lose then you would repeat 1 – ASAP Program (3 Week or 6 Week) & 2 Maintenance until you’re ready to stop or take a longer break and move on to 3 – Transition

Ready to order ASAP weight loss diet today, Get Your Free Membership that Saves You 30% Off  purchasing your ASAP liquid drops by  Clicking Here Now

Supplementation is recommended for optimal nutrition


For maximum nutrition support, it is important to take the Healthy Start Pack, The 90 for Life Program, which includes Beyond Tangy Tangerine®, Osteo-fx Plus™, and Ultimate™ EFA Plus™ to supplement your nutrient profile.


Bruce Jacobs  


These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

The info shared here has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, cure or treat any illness or disease.